Collaborate with Superhero DIY!

We're looking for creators and friends who can help us reach more people who would find value in our products. We're not looking for people who just are looking for random things to shill online - we're looking for people who saw our products and said "Wow, that's actually a great, well-implemented idea!"

Whether you're into collecting, home organization, or just spreading the word, we're always appreciative of those who can let others know about us! And please know that Superhero DIY is not some random company who neither cares about its customers nor even uses it's own products. We started by making a replacement part for our Toyota, then making a superhero costume, to wanting a better way to display collectibles and finding a solution to random coffee pods. And we keep on finding innovative new ways to make great stuff!

We're more than happy to offer some serious commission or gifted products for your help, and look forward to working with you!

NOTE: the below link will ask you to create a Shopify account - because we use Shopify!


 Already a member? Log in

But ... WHY? 

Weeeell, after a big (read: expensive) project last year to upgrade our electrical situation, we now have 3x the capacity for dedicated production. We also cleaned out some of our older machines and re-arranged things, while implementing a new software solution to make production WAYYYY easier! In short - we can handle more, which means we're opening up to more business. 😁


You don't - but this helps us make sure we know who you are. We're not giving 20% away to just anyone, especially people who have never even seen our products.

The process also gets your account set up in Shopify which makes it really easy to pay out your commission, and easy for us to fulfill orders.

If you want to share a link immediately at a much lower commission rate without applying, you can find us on Shopify Collabs


Definitely not. whether you're a big-time influencer, have a couple people who like your pics every once in awhile, or aren't even on social-media at all, you can use your affiliate link to share with anyone you know would love our products.