Superhero DIY

Paint a Captain America Shield; a how-to - SuperheroDIY

Paint a Captain America Shield; a how-to

These are instructions that are hopefully easy-to-follow and understand to paint a Captain America shield.  The best color choices I’ve found are listed in the materials as well.  

Paint a Captain America Shield; a how-to

These are instructions that are hopefully easy-to-follow and understand to paint a Captain America shield.  The best color choices I’ve found are listed in the materials as well.  

Highly Modified / Upgraded Black Series Kylo Ren Helmet - SuperheroDIY

Highly Modified / Upgraded Black Series Kylo Re...

Even after making changes to the voice changer, though, it still sounded like garbage – and I realized the whole helmet needed an overhaul. Here's my highly modified / upgraded...

Highly Modified / Upgraded Black Series Kylo Re...

Even after making changes to the voice changer, though, it still sounded like garbage – and I realized the whole helmet needed an overhaul. Here's my highly modified / upgraded...

Robin Logo Emblem/Badge and Belt Buckle - SuperheroDIY

Robin Logo Emblem/Badge and Belt Buckle

As my son has been trying to fight off the boredom of COVID-19 as well as prepare for an uncertain Halloween celebration, he's been coming up with all kinds of new...

Robin Logo Emblem/Badge and Belt Buckle

As my son has been trying to fight off the boredom of COVID-19 as well as prepare for an uncertain Halloween celebration, he's been coming up with all kinds of new...

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice EVA Foam Armor – FINISHED! - SuperheroDIY

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice EVA Foam Arm...

It’s been awhile since the last update on the Batman vs. Superman DOJ foam armor build, but hey I’ve been busy, and also very sleepy. And this is a lot harder...

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice EVA Foam Arm...

It’s been awhile since the last update on the Batman vs. Superman DOJ foam armor build, but hey I’ve been busy, and also very sleepy. And this is a lot harder...

A bigger, BETTER Superman cape - SuperheroDIY

A bigger, BETTER Superman cape

I never really liked the Superman cape on my Superman Returns costume. The cape in the movie looked good enough, but it wasn’t quite regal-looking, which is something I think really...

A bigger, BETTER Superman cape

I never really liked the Superman cape on my Superman Returns costume. The cape in the movie looked good enough, but it wasn’t quite regal-looking, which is something I think really...

Don’t Let Racism In Cosplay - SuperheroDIY

Don’t Let Racism In Cosplay

I’m half black. There, I said it. Phew! What a load off! Wait, what? You’re wondering what the other half is? Ha ha well it’s white! That’s why I am...

Don’t Let Racism In Cosplay

I’m half black. There, I said it. Phew! What a load off! Wait, what? You’re wondering what the other half is? Ha ha well it’s white! That’s why I am...